Look how sassy title this is.
Once I opened the book, I had to fall in love with this author, Julie Buxbaum.
I really love the witty voice that she puts on her book.
Esp. on pg. 76 (I even remember the page number.. lol)
I had to laugh.. 'outwardly'.
But I cannot mention about what I laughed at.. because it was 19+ topic. haha lol
I left off at third of the book, but I think she mixed things up well so far..
and I'm looking forward to read rest of it tomorrow before I go to my work.. hopefully..
This is her debut novel.. but she seems like she totally knows when to make her readers giggle.. and when to bring them a sad mood.
As a former lawyer working at the firm, Buxbaum wrote her working experience realistically.
Actually you know what..
Her novel reminds me of.. the movie 'Legally Blond'.
Like Elle Woods, Emily in this book broke up with Andrew, her boyfriend.. when he proposed her. But in this case, Emily dumps him.
Then, Emily showed up in Halloween party and she sort of started to want Andrew back when she saw him.
And these two characters are working at the law firm.
Quite similar.. huh?
The other thing I liked about this book was that.. the men characters are mischievous and funny.
Her boss Carl, who is married and flirted with Emily for just temporarily.. is playful..
And Emily's endearing grandpa Jack.. and eighty years old grandma Ruth..
They were like my grandma.
I loved their conversations.
I thought the characters and episodes are depicted well in a humorous way, as the author may have intended.
This book.. is definitely not a dried one. for sure.
+)What happened at the bookstore..
I made a friend!
He works at Starbucks in Barnes n Nobles.
We've got to just talk when I bought something there..
And discovered that we went to same high school.. (I know.. it's like.. same HS grads everywhere.. lol)
By the way, I don't even remember since when, but I've just started to love talking to random people.
It's like.. everyone has a "story".
And I've got to just explore their interesting stories.. without having any formal interviews.. you know..
Anyways.. He wears black edge glasses and pale almost a ghost-like skin.. his disarranged hair oppressed by his Starbucks employee cap.
I felt an instant pure friendship moment with him.
As we talked.. and I think we just laughed off at some.. meaningless subject..
He smiled at me with his light pinky gum.
I smiled him back with showing off my thicker and darker gum.
Eww I know haha. lol
By the time, I almost decided to pack my things up and leave..
He handed me his name card.
He mumbled.
So I only got to hear two words.
Facebook and hang out. haha
There ya go. lol But I got what he meant.
He wants to be my friend. And so did I.
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