Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I'm surprised by how the thought of me can be unceasingly changing.

I thought I was constantly looking for some eventful things from life, but actually..
Eventful things that I had yearned was happening from my very own.

Now I think so differently from how I used to think.

It's like my in-depth personality was just got replaced by something else in over night.

All the important priorities that I had valued now seem.. not precious to me anymore.
Most of my belief that I thought is good and worth it became unattractive to me anymore.

First priority was swapped with the bottom one.

Have you ever experienced this..?

It's quite a weird feeling.

My college years aren't done yet, so I didn't even get to enter into another phase of life, yet.

But it seems like my mind just did enter another phase.

I don't think that this kind of realization came off in all the sudden; but it's rather like all the weird blend of worries, skepticism, tears, wandering has been compiled unknowingly for several years and eventually created a person whose inner side became so different from who she was.

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