Sunday, July 18, 2010


It's 2:37.. middle of the night..
While I was in sleep, tears filled my eyes.

Have you ever received the worst feeling from the person you trust most..?
It's the person who I get an immense love from..
at the same time.. person who makes my heart most broken.

It makes me think.
It makes me think that I'm the most selfish person..
It makes me think what the true sacrifice is..
It makes me think that I'm exactly doing the same mistakes that I've been doing over past few years I thought I quited.

I used to despise type of people who are seeking for help when they're in need and turning their backs when they become not desperate.
But while I was laying on my bed, I realized that such type of person was exactly me.. a person who invented such kind of a thought.

I thought that I was vulnerable..
But it could be totally opposite.
And now I believe in this.
This got into my thought and I'm just sad.

If love is the mutual.. then sacrifice should be mutual, also.. right..?

Actually this was soothing me and I admit that I was being selfish.
And that's not the person who I deserve to be.
Not at all..

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