Friday, June 8, 2012

I'd Rather

The symptom is that my ass felt like it's stabbing itself on the first day of my period.
I have no idea what's happening back there, and even the doctor wasn't able to give me a final, accurate diagnosis of this,
but that's the kind of ass that I possess.(right now)
It's just all that wacky hormone issue.

Anyhow, I called ob/gyn nurse yesterday, to change the prescription of the brand of the birth control pill that I've been taking for nearly 3 months,
because it caused my face to break out,
and I have this strong tension on my breast on the right side, to be honest.

So this was the dialogue on the phone. N as the nurse.
N : So then, you should stop taking the pill.
J : Can't. Then, it'll start bleeding.
N : Then, just keep taking that pill. The hospital can't prescribe you the new pill or the new brand until you came in for your next appointment.
J : I told ya, it's causing the severe acne.
People were meant to be empathetical when you announced a severe acne on your face. 
N : I'd rather have you break out than bleed. [answered for me, sounding not at all medical or health professional.]
J : So would you like me to keep those pimples?
N : Yes!
I was struck, but answered obediently and even determinedly, "Ok, I will."  and hung up.

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