Monday, July 4, 2011

Review: The 2011 Philadelphia Auto Show

The 2011 Philadelphia International Auto Show went on at the Pennsylvania Convention Center for nine days, ended on Feb. 6th. The show was owned and produced by the Automobile Dealers Association of Greater Philadelphia. There were approximately 700 vehicles, including pre-production, vintage, classic, exotic, and green model cars, displayed throughout 550,000 square-feet on three different floors.

America’s passion for cars has brought more than 200,000 visitors annually.
The show provided an opportunity for auto dealers to introduce and showcase new vehicle models, without having to approach every single customer from their own stores. This show was also very helpful to attendees, who can be the future car buyers, because the program educates visitors about up and coming vehicles and allows them to compare different models.

Technology was definitely a dominant theme in this auto show. The technological, yet economical car characteristics like fuel efficient engines drew potential buyers’ attention. The looks of these cars were quite unique, too.
“I really loved the newer technologies at this event,” George Swales, one of attendees, said. “The fact that we are looking at the greener cars, like the electric vehicles and the hybrids… Twenty years from now, we’ll be all driving a very, very different vehicles than the ones that are brought today,” Swales added.

Although any form of selling, purchasing or even signing car buying contracts was banned during the show, the auto dealers agreed on exit surveys that the increase in the area’s new car sales is always influenced by this auto show.
The auto sales are expected to increase more this year, since the show had the test ride event that Toyota and Kia were offering to visitors on certain products for the first time. This year, the test ride event took place outside, but it will take place inside of the building next year.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Christmas Tree

My coworker Koshik and I first encountered each other as an associate and customer back in little after when last Christmas season was ended.
One big Indian guy with gray, white hair came to the register with a cute little Christmas tree to buy. I was wondering why he was trying to buy it after everything was done, but soon, I realized it was super cheap price and he said it was for the next year.
After a long six months...
In the middle of June, I saw Koshik wearing Macy's all black dress code, standing by the register at Macy's for the first time since then.
I guess I didn't know he was working in here. 
I asked him about that Christmas tree, whether if he still carries it in his house or something and my guess was right.
The tree is safely saved (-I guess) at the backside of his house.
I told him, "Well, you only have three? four? months to go. Good for you!" (Well, I guess by the time I said that, maybe I thought there were 10 months in one year, instead of 12, duh!)
The guy, who plans and prepares for Christmas.. Not just for several weeks, but A YEAR HEAD OF THE TIME. lol
When I think of that little (and maybe poor..?) Christmas tree stuck SOMEWHERE in the DARK at Koshik's house..., standing by itself, waiting for Christmas to come, his owner (inevitably) Koshik (...!!), I get to laugh so hard. But at the same time, I sympathize for that tree.