Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Things that I've realized lately

1. Excitement travels from a person to person

2. Once excitement is gone, it's irreversible

3. Nothing lasts forever, except God and His love

4. Becoming an adult can mean, becoming cynical, indifferent and learning to accept (rather than adopt) things

5. The only thing that doesn't change is change

6. Life is always equally hard, whether when I was young or now (sort of not that young age..) 

7. I can never force my will to other people and that's against the rule

8. New is always fresh and good feeling

9. Happiness is a decision

10. Life is full of unexpected surprises and that's what makes life, beautiful 

11. I still love this. Writing...  

12. Writing.. is my ultimate hope  

13. You never know.. human-being's mind... 

14. People can always choose what to focus on

15. Despite of all, God is always good.