Sunday, October 13, 2013


Sometimes conversation is all you needed to lift up your spirits

My phone needs ventilation

Last night, my phone wasn't working, but I thought it was simply bad connection due to the bad weather. Just an hour ago, I realized it was my phone, not the weather.
So I went to T-mobile and got my phone fixed.
The t-mobile guy just turned off the power and turned it back and that simply fixed my phone.
There was other time when it didn't work, he took off the pink cover slip and that was it to fix it.
It never happened to my previous phones, but it looks like this phone needs a lot of air circulation/ventilation. It was like a mini science or something.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Huge Mistake

I could have made a huge mistake, IF I didn't ask my coworker if we have a day off on Monday (holiday).
Thank god I asked.


The same day a decade ago, my family and I landed on a new land called The United States.

South of Border, West of the Sun

By Haruki Murakami, my favorite author.

This title, Murakami symbolized it to the main woman character, who the guy (first person voice) loves in this novel.
It's the story about the married man's affair.
Well, I don't believe in that, but as always, his writing style so powerful, very much healing effect, and yes. The psychological/sexual insight.

Marathon Grill changed my perception

There was someone who I thought was harder to approach.
But that person happened to be one of the sweetest people.
For instance, I felt a weird sense of intimacy, when I saw him constantly mumbling, his hand cupping around his ear to hear better, his eyes quickly blinking behind his thick glasses.
Most of all, the share of marathon grill, that we might have a common taste in food.
At marathon grill, I saw him pulling out a chair and taking care for the old lady, who looked like his mother.
Conclusion: Marathon grill provide me not only some fiiiiiine mashed potatoes and hurb rubbed chicken breast and shockingly good chocolate milkshake, but also changed my perception.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fake Nails

I purchased the kiss brand's nail stickers.
My fake nails lasted a day or even less than that.
It had a warning sign: minimize your contact with water, but how can I not wash my hands in ladies room?
But I won't deny, my nails were pretty.

It looked like most of stickers were designed for thumb nail.

I don't usually consider myself as artsy person, but I was good at cutting those stickers that can fit to my nail and stick to them.

Only Child

Yesterday I bought one of Haruki Murakami's book and at one point, I read this part, something like, those parents who have only child don't like each other and don't have good relationship.
Last week, while the student I tutor and I were studying, he told me that he has four siblings, so five total.
As soon as I heard that, I could immediately take myself to my imagination department.
The picture where my student's parents lived in a rural farm, taking care of their crops.
When the hard labor was done, even before the sun went down, they dropped their shovels, and returned to their sweet, country-style home.
They've got so much relaxing time and that was how or why he has that many siblings, not in the year of 1960, but in 2013, I suspected.
However, I was wrong. He told me that his parents lived in a rich, city area.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Things that I've realized lately

1. Excitement travels from a person to person

2. Once excitement is gone, it's irreversible

3. Nothing lasts forever, except God and His love

4. Becoming an adult can mean, becoming cynical, indifferent and learning to accept (rather than adopt) things

5. The only thing that doesn't change is change

6. Life is always equally hard, whether when I was young or now (sort of not that young age..) 

7. I can never force my will to other people and that's against the rule

8. New is always fresh and good feeling

9. Happiness is a decision

10. Life is full of unexpected surprises and that's what makes life, beautiful 

11. I still love this. Writing...  

12. Writing.. is my ultimate hope  

13. You never know.. human-being's mind... 

14. People can always choose what to focus on

15. Despite of all, God is always good.