Sunday, May 30, 2010

To Every Thing There is a Season

Ecclesiastes 3. 1-8

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:A time to be born,

and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;A time to kill, and

a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;A time to weep, and a time to laugh;

a time to mourn, and a time to dance;A time to cast away stones, and

a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence,

and a time to speak;A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Finding Nemo

I spent my power hour with JS, who went to the same church three years ago.
I really don't know what have brought us to keep getting-in-touched even after we both stopped going there.
We've only seen each other every once in awhile, but each time I saw her, she made me feel..something like, I'm not alone in this world.

She got this weird Italian restaurant place, from some random site.
and that was the beginning where we finally ended up with having this conclusion.
'Finding that Italian restaurant was much harder than finding nemo'.
So yea, just imagine. how we got sweating, starved, uh.. little dizziness..? Or was it just me..

Eventually, we just decided to find easy way out and that was TGI babe.
JS got buffalo chicken wrap(actually.. this word 'buffalo' reminds me of someone.. Her initial is HP. I deeply respect internet's anonymity.. haha) and I ate honey mustard chicken sandwich.
I was so concentrated on talking, not on eating.
I'm not sure if that was a good thing to do.
By da way, that chicken sand.. Its over-sweet honey mustard juicy liquids were agressively
leaking through the bottom bun, which ultimately got soaked up perfectly.
The bottom bun turned to something like thick yellow and thin green layered scrub sponge that housewives normally use at the sink.
They also made my hands oh-so-wet.
I wanted to keep eating, but I just couldn't.
What a shame..

Anyhow, I talked to JS about all those great people that I have met during spring semester..
Esp. the soul mate.
major, job, teacher, new passion,
most importantly, the transition that I have gone through.

Life is interesting.

At the end, my well-being allowed me to taste another surprises from JS,
they were the lunch freebies and another launch of my website, facebook. (I know, I just launched my new blog yesterday.. and another network..? whoo-ah.. haha)
Although it may be hard, I decided to always be positive, because I think that it makes other people willing to just give away.
I don't know, but this is how I felt today.

I'm starving.
But I want to drink a coffee rather than to eat.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I just launched my website.

What an ambitious my blog title is. haha.
First of all, I feel overwhelmed to launch this website and I know that this site will grow hotter and hotter.
This blog is just for my own purpose, which is to improve my writing skills.

So! my first post.
I went to barnes n nobles and started to read LT's book that I've procrastinated reading since I gave it to Irene.
I just (and still) read half away through (I know, I hate me, being such a slow reader),
but I want to keep up with my journal since there are alot of thoughts going through my mind right now.

She's def. an interesting person I've ever met.
But I found out that she was so deeply obsessed with her race thing. Like.. even excessively.
(I know, been there, too.. But not that like her.)
And I got tired with her use of "show, don't tell" thing.
Even I understand that that was the most memorable lecture that she taught us and
I even wanted to immitate this way of writing.
But come on.
She.. like.. used that technique way too much and made me sick of it, as of now.

Every time when the new character emerged, she used this. I was like.. 'again??' haha.
I felt like she wanted her readers to keep imagine the way people look like, but yea..
Good thing that at least, I learned that over-usage can rather bringa side-effect. haha.

Other than these two things, race and her technique that she loves to use..
this book kept making me engaged and dive into her story.

It was interesting to read all of her romance that she had experienced.
I also admire her easy adoptation of languages other than English.
And I literally laughed so hard in front of two people who were reading mags and
studying for mcat(I don't want to use the capital for this).

I laughed at this part where she said,
"Finally, in exasperation she threatened him with
-If you don't behave, I'll give you that-,
and she pointed directly at me. I was the that. I was the threat."

Anyway, in the very midst of having an enjoyment in her book,
my eyes got on the scene that
this dark brownie skin color, wearing wide and thick glasses guy was
back-hugging a shy, poreless skin girl who is as same height as the guy behind her.
Literally.. there was no space in between of them.
That scene was not-so-pleasant-looking..
I was like.. so urged to approach, and reprimand them like,
"What cha guys doing up here? huh?!! This is a bookstore!
If you guys wanna act like that, just go some wherelse!"

But I decided to just stay right where I was..
I knew I wanted to continue with reading,
but my cell phone was telling me that I should leave there and pick my mom up from her work.

But before I left there, the shocking title of the next chapter, grabbed my attention.
-If you want my body, and you think I'm sexy...-
I was like, huh??
I don't know.. But it seems like this chapter should be hot.
That's right, ya'll.
Hot, as an h o t.